
1.5.2 (2023/05)


  • Python 3.6 and 3.7 support are removed.

1.5.1 (2021/11)


  • To improve exceptions readability, airfs now hides its internal exception traceback when converting exception to OSError. Full traceback can be enabled by setting the AIRFS_FULLTRACEBACK environment variable.


  • Fix os.path.realpath missing Python 3.10 strict argument for local paths.


  • Warn about Python 3.6 deprecation in next version.

1.5.0 (2020/11)

New storage support:

  • GitHub (Read only).

  • The S3 storage now support any supported S3 compatible storage and not only AWS.

New standard library equivalent functions:

  • os.readlink, os.symlink, os.path.lexists, os.path.realpath.

New features:

  • airfs.shareable_url function to get a shareable URL of an existing object.

  • airfs now supports a user configuration that can be used to define storage to mount with their parameters. The configuration can be managed using the airfs.config module.


  • airfs.stat and airfs.lstat now returns proper GID and UID, with default to current user values for storage that does not support it.

  • airfs.stat and airfs.lstat st_mode now include permission bits with default value to 644 for storage that does not support it.

  • airfs.stat and airfs.lstat now returns extra storage specific values with their original names instead of st_ prefixed names. To allow use as stat result attributes and ensure consistency, returned names are lower-cased, - are replaced with _ and other characters are limited to alphanumerical characters.

  • Add airfs.os, airfs.os.path and airfs.shutil namespaces that mimic standards library namespaces. Names that are not available in Airfs fall back to their standard library equivalent.

  • Add st_atime_ns, st_mtime_ns and st_ctime_ns, in the os.stat_result like named tuple returned by airfs.stat and airfs.lstat.

  • airfs functions now properly supports the follow_symlinks argument when storage support symlinks.

  • airfs.listdir now properly follows symlinks when storage support symlinks.

  • airfs can now lazily auto-import a storage from an URL using any root and not only a specific scheme. Only public storage that does not require user specified parameters can be lazily auto-mounted. airfs still try to use the http storage to mount unsupported storage like public internet links.

  • airfs now provides the public base exception airfs.AirfsException and the public base warning airfs.AirfsWarning. Users can catch them to handle airfs exceptions.

  • airfs now raises airfs.MountException on mounting errors instead of ValueError.

  • airfs now raises airfs.ConfigurationException on configuration errors.

  • Refactor to improve to support more input file listing and make the API simpler. Remove which is now a duplicate.

  • airfs.copy and airfs.copyfile does not raise FileNotFoundError if the parent directory do not exists and the storage allows to write on a non exiting directory (For instance on blob storages).

  • airfs exception conversion to OSError is now more strict and convert only excepted exceptions.

  • Add Flake8 and Bandit to the Pytest sequence.

  • Use Black for code formatting.


  • airfs now let correctly ImportError from dependencies be raised instead of hiding it by raising an exception saying that the storage is not available.

  • read and readinto methods now properly fallback to read1 and readinto1 if the object is not seekable.

  • airfs now open S3 presigned URLs as standard HTTP URLs instead of trying to use S3 API.

  • Fix the missing follow_symlinks argument in airfs.copy.

  • Fix follow_symlinks=False argument not raising exception on storage that does not support symlinks.

  • Fix the missing closefd and opener arguments in

  • Fix the missing keyword-only argument mark in various functions.

  • airfs now properly raise NotImplementedError when using dir_fd on non local paths.

  • Fix the use of functions that should support file descriptors.


  • Python 3.5 support is removed.

1.4.0 (2020/01)

Fork from “pycosio” unmaintained project:

  • Namespace to import changed from pycosio to airfs. It is possible to upgrade by replacing all pycosio code occurrences by airfs or doing import airfs as pycosio.


  • Use __slots__ on all classes to improve performance and memory usage.


  • Python 2.7 and 3.4 support are removed.

1.3.3 (2019/07)


  • Fix package including tests/storage_package subdirectory due to packaging toolchain issue.

1.3.2 (2019/05)


  • Fix io.BufferedIOBase partially read when reading exactly by parts of the buffer size.

  • Fix bad permission error handling airfs.copy.

  • Fix bad exceptions risen if no parent directory found using airfs.copy.


  • Thanks to Stewart Adam (stewartadam) for the tests and fixes for Azure.

1.3.1 (2019/04)


  • Trying to open a file in a or x mode now raise PermissionError if not enough permission to determinate if the file already exists.

  • Fix OSError exception conversion in copy and copyfile.

  • copy and copyfile now tries to copy if no read access but write access, instead of raising PermissionError because unable to check the parent directory first.

  • Azure: Fix error when trying to read an existing blog due to bad name handling.

  • Azure: Fix query string in blob object path because not removed from URL.

  • Azure: Fix error when opening a blob in w mode if no permission to read it.


  • Thanks to Stewart Adam (stewartadam) for the tests and fixes for Azure.

1.3.0 (2019/03)

Add support for following storage:

  • Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

  • Microsoft Azure File Storage


  • io.RawIOBase can now be used for storage that supports random write access.

  • OSS: Copy objects between OSS buckets without copying data on the client when possible.


  • Warn about Python 3.4 deprecation in next version.


  • Fix unsupported operation not risen in all cases with raw and buffered IO.

  • Fix call of flush() in buffered IO.

  • Fix file methods not translate storage exception into OSError.

  • Fix file not create on open in write mode (Was only created on flush).

  • Fix file closed twice when using context manager.

  • Fix root URL detection in some cases.

  • Fix too many returned result when listing objects with a count limit.

  • Fix error when trying to append on a not existing file.

  • Fix io.RawIOBase not generating padding when seeking after the end of the file.

  • OSS: Fix error when listing objects in a not existing directory.

  • OSS: Fix read error if try to read after the end of the file.

  • OSS: Fix buffered write minimum buffer size.

  • OSS: Clean up multipart upload parts on failed uploads.

  • OSS: Fix error when opening an existing file in ‘a’ mode.

  • S3: Fix error when creating a bucket due to an unspecified region.

  • S3: Fix unprocessed error in listing bucket content of a not existing bucket.

  • S3: Clean up multipart upload parts on failed uploads.

  • S3: Fix missing transfer acceleration endpoints.

  • Swift: Fix error when opening an existing file in ‘a’ mode.


  • Thanks to Stewart Adam (stewartadam) for the early tests and fixes for Azure.

1.2.0 (2018/10)

New standard library equivalent functions:

  • os.listdir, os.lstat, os.remove, os.rmdir, os.scandir, os.stat, os.unlink, os.path.getctime, os.path.islink, shutil.copyfile.


  • Copy of objects from and to the same storage is performed directly on remote server if possible.

  • Now raises io.UnsupportedOperation if an operation is not compatible with the current storage, this applies to all newly created function and following existing functions: getsize, getmtime, mkdir.


  • now returns empty bytes instead of raising exception when trying to read if seek already at end of the file.

  • copy destination can now be a storage directory and not only a local directory.

  • copy now checks if destination parent directory exists and if files are not the same file and raise proper exceptions.

  • mkdir: missing dir_fd argument.

  • isdir now correctly handle “virtual” directories (Directory that don’t exist as a proper object, but exists in another object path).

1.1.0 (2018/10)

New standard library equivalent functions:

  • os.path.exists, os.path.isabs, os.path.isdir, os.path.ismount, os.path.samefile, os.path.splitdrive, os.makedirs, os.mkdir.

Backward incompatible change:

  • mount argument extra_url_prefix is renamed to more relevant and clearer extra_root.


  • No buffer copy when using with exactly buffer size. This may lead to performance improvement.

  • Minimum packages versions are set in setup based on packages changelog or date.


  • isfile now correctly returns False when used on a directory.

  • relpath now keeps ending / on storage path (Directory marker).

1.0.0 (2018/08)

The first version that implements the core machinery.

Provides storage equivalent functions of:

  • open /, shutil.copy, os.path.getmtime, os.path.getsize, os.path.isfile, os.path.relpath.

Provide storage objects abstract classes with the following interfaces:

  • io.RawIOBase, io.BufferedIOBase.

Add support for following storage:

  • Alibaba Cloud OSS

  • AWS S3

  • OpenStack Swift

Add read-only generic HTTP/HTTPS objects support.

Known issues

  • Append mode doesn’t work with ObjectBufferedIOBase.

  • Following functions does not follow symlinks yet:

    • For path target and parents directories: airfs.rmdir, airfs.samefile, airfs.copy, airfs.copypath.

    • For parent directories: airfs.makedirs, airfs.mkdir, airfs.remove, airfs.lstat, airfs.lexists, airfs.islink