
A collection of Ansible roles for home free software self-hosting.

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Mail Ansible Role


This role installs a mail server using Postfix and Dovecot.

The aim is to provide a simple mail server to use on a local network for administration mails (Logs and other notifications from servers).





OS recommendation


All variables from the common role that start by common_mail_ must not be used when using this role.



Name Default Value Description
mail_domain local The mail domain to configure.


Name Default Value Description
mail_firewalld_readers_source   If specified, restrict the IMAP/IMAPS/POP3/POP3S access to the specified sources list in CIDR notation (["", "", "2001:db8:1234:5678::/64"], …). By default, allow all using public zone. Exclusive with mail_firewalld_readers_zone parameter.
mail_firewalld_readers_zone   If specified, the existing firewalld zone where allow IMAP/IMAPS/POP3/POP3S access. By default, use public zone. Exclusive with mail_firewalld_readers_source parameter.
mail_firewalld_senders_source   If specified, restrict the SMTP/SMTPS/SMTP-Submission access to the specified sources list in CIDR notation (["", "", "2001:db8:1234:5678::/64"], …). By default, allow all using public zone. Exclusive with mail_firewalld_senders_zone parameter.
mail_firewalld_senders_zone   If specified, the existing firewalld zone where allow SMTP/SMTPS/SMTP-Submission access. By default, use public zone. Exclusive with mail_firewalld_senders_source parameter.
mail_inet_protocols ipv4 Postfix supported network protocols. all to enable IPv6 support.
mail_protocol_imap false If true enable IMAP on port 143/tcp with STARTTLS supported. Not recommended.
mail_protocol_imaps true If true enable IMAPS on port 993/tcp with TLS enabled.
mail_protocol_pop3 false If true enable POP3 on port 110/tcp with STARTTLS supported. Not recommended.
mail_protocol_pop3s false If true enable POP3S on port 995/tcp with TLS enabled.
mail_protocol_smtp false If true enable SMTP on port 25/tcp with STARTTLS supported. Not recommended.
mail_protocol_smtps true If true enable SMTPS on port 465/tcp with TLS enabled.
mail_protocol_submission true If true enable SMTP-Submission on port 587/tcp with STARTTLS enabled.
mail_tls_certificate   If specified, configure TLS using the specified certificate (That must include root CA and intermediates).
mail_tls_certificate_key   If specified, configure TLS using the specified private key.
mail_trusted_clients   If specified, configure mail services to restrict the server access to client that are in the specified list of source CIDR ([""], ["", "[2001:db8:1234:5678::]/64"], …). IP version 6 address information must be specified inside [].
mail_users   If specified, creates specified mail users. Must be a list of mappings (one per user) with keys: name (User name), password (User hashed password. Can be generated using mkpasswd --method=sha-512 from the mail server host).
mail_users_aliases   If specified, set user aliases. Must be a list of mapping with user and alias keys.

If mail_tls_certificate and mail_tls_certificate_key variables are not set, a self-signed certificate is used (Warning: Self signed certificates are only suitable for testing and should not be used on a publicly accessible server.)

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: true
    - jgoutin.home
    - common
    - mail
    mail_domain: local